What Else is as Thick as a Credit Card?

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What Else is as Thick as a Credit Card?

What Else is as Thick as a Credit Card?

Merchants, the credit cards that you accept are thin. So thin that many of them can fit into your customer’s wallets. How thin is it? It is .03 inches (or 30 mils) thick or if you prefer the metric system it is .76 millimeters thick. That is pretty darn thin! So what else has that same thickness?

Magnets are one of the more common things that are 30 mils in thickness, particularly magnets designed for outdoor use or car magnets. Others can vary in thickness depending on its application but most are around 30 mils in thickness.

In a wallet can be found more than just a credit card and most IDs are also 30 mils in thickness. That is a driver’s license, a library card, business ID cards and many many more. This should be no surprise since the wallet pouches were made to fit credit cards and no one likes to mess with a good thing.

Do you own an inground pool? The vinyl liner of that pool can be about 28-30 mils. Doing some construction work? Some saw blades are about 30 mils in thickness. Glad your car starts every morning? In your car the gap with your spark plug is between 25 and 30 mils. But the most common product that is 30 mils thick is heavy duty plastic sheeting.

In comparison to some other thin common household items a credit card really isn’t that thin. A piece of paper is 1 mil thick. Your plastic grocery bags are 3 mils thick. Razor blades can be between 4 and 16 mils thick. The paper money in your wallet is 4.3 mils thick, much thinner than the coins you carry since the thinnest, the dime, is 53 mils thick. Oh and that hair on the top of your head is (or was if your hair has departed you) 3 mils thick.

One last one, the chip that is on a credit card is 4.7 mils thick. This is the same as the sim card in your cell phone. How much of your life revolves around something so thin?