When it comes to PCI Compliance keeping things secure is perhaps the most important thing that you can do. For most things that password is all that separates keeping your systems safe and perhaps going out of business. But the […]
A few years ago EMV cards were introduced here in the US and they were intended to help reduce fraud. Fraud is one of the biggest problems in today’s economy and it is something that everyone pays for, except for […]
For criminals small bits of your information is valuable. Anything from your name, your address and your phone number can help a thief commit identity theft. In some cases we give much of this willingly on social media and we […]
There is one last bridge to cross before the United States fully adopts EMV credit card technology and that is at the pumps. Gas stations have until October 1, 2020 to make the switch so they can avoid the liability […]
For any business that is connected to the Internet and accepts payments other than cash or check maintaining PCI Compliance is extremely important. In today’s world more of our lives and our businesses depend on using the Internet. One important […]
Did you know that the password is a security measure developed in the 1960s? With the recent passing of the man who developed the computer password it became public knowledge, at least for a day. There is very little else […]
PCI Compliance is very important. You cannot stay in business long by not maintaining compliance. If you don’t it will catch up to you and the results will not be good. Now of course no one wants to get hacked […]
Do you know what one of the easiest ways to stop credit card theft is? If you have a website you have the power to take a bit out of this crime. We know what you are thinking and it […]
We’ve seen a rash of data breaches in the past few years, too many in fact. As part of the fallout people have had their credit card information stolen and as a result many people have paid a service to […]
When the US finally made the move to EMV cards and chip-and-signature we did not go as far as Europe did with chip-and-PIN. With many believing chip-and-pin to be more secure there were a lot of questions to answer and […]
As always technological advancements help to make our lives easier. Unfortunately that also helps to make thieves jobs easier as well. In January the Secret Service issued an advisory on a recent advancement in credit card technology called the Fuze […]
As a merchant you do not want to have a data breach happen to you. Unfortunately too many have been happening. There have been all kinds of reasons for them happening but most have been because of lax security or […]