When it comes to PCI Compliance keeping things secure is perhaps the most important thing that you can do. For most things that password is all that separates keeping your systems safe and perhaps going out of business. But the […]
For any business that is connected to the Internet and accepts payments other than cash or check maintaining PCI Compliance is extremely important. In today’s world more of our lives and our businesses depend on using the Internet. One important […]
Did you know that the password is a security measure developed in the 1960s? With the recent passing of the man who developed the computer password it became public knowledge, at least for a day. There is very little else […]
Cyber security is at the heart of PCI compliance. For good cyber security to happen a strong password needs to be in place. Why is this? Look around you and think about how many things in your sight are or […]
2018 is in the books. With all of the yearly retrospectives that went up onto the Internet we bet there was one that you missed. Did you manage to check out SplashData’s list of the worst passwords of 2018? Is […]
2017 saw numerous data breaches putting you and your information at risk. While you cannot stop a data breach from happening there are some things that you can do to lessen its impact on you. You’ve probably seen tips on […]
One would think that it could be easy to crack someone’s PIN. It’s only 4 digits, how hard can it be? If you are going to try, well good luck. Those four numbers give 10,000 different combinations for a PIN […]
Free wi-fi is a wonderful thing. You can do work away from home or just surf the web to pass some time. Heck I’m writing this article on free wi-fi right now. If you use free wi-fi a lot or […]
There has been another round of data breaches. While this is nothing new, the information that has been gleaned from this breach should give us all pause. While hopefully this does not apply to you, if it does you need […]
Did you watch the clip? If you didn’t take a moment to do so. Hopefully you recognized the clip coming from the Mel Brooks classic Spaceballs. While funny there is a lot we can learn from this clip. Just in […]