Most people look at their credit card and have given absolutely no thought to why their credit card looks the way it does. For most the 16 digits on the front have been the way it has always been. Have […]
There will be a time when we no longer need to have our pockets overloaded with things. A wallet, keys, a phone, change, receipts and who knows what else clutters out pockets. That time may be here, at least partly. […]
In recent years we’ve detailed some of the innovations in an attempt to have an idea what the credit card of the future could look like. Some of those innovations are common sense like adjusting it from horizontal or vertical […]
When the US finally made the move to EMV cards and chip-and-signature we did not go as far as Europe did with chip-and-PIN. With many believing chip-and-pin to be more secure there were a lot of questions to answer and […]
Pretty soon someone may hand you a MasterCard and it will look a little different. No, it is not because the customer is using a stolen or counterfeit card so don’t worry. MasterCard is just changing its logo. It is […]
In 1992 credit card fraud was rampant not only in North America but in Europe and all around the globe as well. It was costing billions of dollars, yen, pounds, francs, marks, lira, pesetas and every other currency found in […]
One of the few things that a person could not do with a credit card was to gamble in a casino. That may be about to change as a result of the legalization of sports betting in May. Credit card […]
Cryptocurrency is the latest trend and is gaining in popularity. While Bitcoin has taken a nose dive in recent months many other cryptos are stepping up in popularity. This has prompted action from not only the major credit card processors […]
Contactless payment is a common form of payment and as technology advances it is only going to become more common. We are seeing it today with not only our credit and debit cards but also with our devices like smartphones. […]
Credit card processing fees can be expensive for merchants and as a merchant it can hit your bottom line hard. It has been a problem affecting merchants around the United States and in some states it seemed that an answer […]
Major news was announced last fall that could very well change the way credit cards are transactions are handled. For as long as the credit card or its early variants have been around a signature has been required to complete […]
Credit card processing fees can be expensive but as a merchant you do not want to cut them off as it could potentially hurt your business’ bottom line by driving away paying customers. There is middle ground though it should […]