As long as credit cards exist the information that can be found on those cards is extremely valuable. While we still see skimmers on ATMs and on gas pumps they are not quite being found in the same frequency that […]
There are severe penalties for businesses that ignore PCI compliance. We hope that yours is not one of them and if it is give us a call so we can help you meet PCI compliance. Meeting compliance is important as […]
There is a great nationwide debate going on about the viability of cryptocurrency. As a merchant you might accept it as a form of payment, you might not. If you are in the latter you are certainly not alone but […]
Data breaches have become commonplace, almost to the point where it seems like the public is no longer phased when another one is announced. It seems like when another one happens the company pledges to do better and the media […]
The number of data breaches have skyrocketed. It is shocking at times and it has affected nearly every American in one way or another. As a merchant you hope and pray that it never happens to you but it could […]
As you are probably aware, the credit card industry in the United States has undergone a major change in the past few years. The magnetic stripe which has graced the credit card since the 1970s is being phased out and […]
Merchants, are interchange fees on small purchases killing your bottom line? Don’t forget that the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 allows you to set a minimum purchase limit of $10 for all credit card transactions. You’ve probably seen one of these […]
We read a lot in the news about credit card fraud. It is a sixteen billion dollar a year problem here in the United States alone. Yes, that was billion with a b. Part of the reason for the high […]