When you run a business you want to maximize your revenue. That is the goal of every business out there. This can be done numerous ways and one of those is to reduce expenses. For anyone who has worked with […]
A few years ago EMV cards were introduced here in the US and they were intended to help reduce fraud. Fraud is one of the biggest problems in today’s economy and it is something that everyone pays for, except for […]
Did you know that the password is a security measure developed in the 1960s? With the recent passing of the man who developed the computer password it became public knowledge, at least for a day. There is very little else […]
In 1992 credit card fraud was rampant not only in North America but in Europe and all around the globe as well. It was costing billions of dollars, yen, pounds, francs, marks, lira, pesetas and every other currency found in […]
If you are a merchant with an e-commerce system or any system that accepts payments via a card-not-present solution you know that the holiday season is a time for rampant fraud. In many cases it will be you, the merchant, […]
It was just about 2 ½ years ago that the switch away from magnetic stripes to EMV chips began here in the US. The transition was not easy. Merchants did not want to purchase new equipment and there was a […]
As you are probably aware, the credit card industry in the United States has undergone a major change in the past few years. The magnetic stripe which has graced the credit card since the 1970s is being phased out and […]
When the EMV chip cards were introduced they were heralded as a powerful tool in stopping fraud. Those that trumpeted this claim were right and they were wrong. Cloning the EMV cards and stealing information off of them has become […]
Hopefully you have never received a call from your bank or your credit card issuer asking if you just purchased an expensive item from someplace that you have never been. If you have (and you weren’t the one doing the […]
With the new EMV cards being issued (albeit slowly) we should be seeing a decline in stolen credit cards shouldn’t we? After all, these new cards are advertised as being able to cut down on credit card fraud which should […]