Most people look at their credit card and have given absolutely no thought to why their credit card looks the way it does. For most the 16 digits on the front have been the way it has always been. Have […]
You remember the old commercials that said “There are some things that money can’t buy, for everything else there is MasterCard?” Last year we highlighted a few things that you couldn’t actually buy with a credit card and this year […]
Compared to the other major credit card companies Discover is a youngster. In many ways it is the credit card that is always forgotten as it is not accepted everywhere and is not available to the average person. In the […]
One of the most popular parts of having a credit card is the rewards that can be earned by using it. Whether it is airline miles, points or just simply cash back some consumers are addicted to acquiring them. When […]
Today consumers take it for granted that they can go out, have a meal and pay for it with a credit card. That was not always the case even in the 20th century. The Diners Club card was the brainchild […]
American Express is one of the largest credit card companies in the United States, yet it is common to see the phrase “Sorry, we do not accept American Express” when going into a store or online. You’d figure that a […]